To gather information about the progress of learners can be done a variety of techniques, both associated with the learning process and learning outcomes. The information gathering technique in principle is a way of assessment of progress towards the achievement of student learning standards and basic competencies. Basic competency status assessment is done based on indicators of achievement of learning outcomes, either in the form of cognitive domains, effective, and psychomotor. There are seven techniques that can be used, the assessment of performance, attitude assessment, written assessment, project assessment, product assessment, the use of portfolios and self-assessment.
A. Performance Assessment
1. Definition
Performance appraisal is an appraisal done by observing the activities of learners in doing something. This assessment is suitable for assessing the achievement of competence requires learners perform certain tasks such as laboratory practice, practice prayer, sports practice, presentation, discussion, role play, playing musical instruments, singing, reading poetry / elocution etc. The assessment methods are considered more authentic than the written test because what is considered more representative of the actual abilities of learners.
Performance assessment should consider the following:
a. Performance measures that are expected to do learners to demonstrate the performance of a competence.
b. Completeness and accuracy aspects that will be assessed in the performance.
c. Special abilities are required to complete the task.
d. Strive ability to be assessed not too much, so that all can be observed.
e. Ability to be assessed sorted by the order to be observed.
2. Performance Appraisal
Observation of performance needs to be done in a variety of contexts to establish the level of achievement of specific skills. To assess the ability of learners to speak, such as observation or observation speaks as diverse as: small group discussions, speeches, storytelling, and conduct interviews. Thus, the picture of the ability of learners will be intact. To observe the performance of learners can use a tool or instrument following:
a. Checklist
Performance assessment can be done by using a list oak (good-bad). By using a check list, students scored mastery criteria when certain competencies can be observed by the assessor. If it cannot be observed, the students are not getting the value. Weakness of this method is that appraisers have two absolute choices, true-false for example, can be observed-not observable, either-not good. Thus there is no middle value, but more practical checklists used to observe the subject in large quantities.
Example : Checklist
Assessment : The use of Body Thermometer
Name : ...................................
Class : ....................................
Aspects of the Assessed
Thermometer is removed from its place by holding the end there is no mercury.
Mercury lowered position on the lowest scale by swinging the thermometer quickly from top to bottom, and hand position when holding the stick to the end that there is no water mercury
Checking whether mercury has been at the base.
Install a thermometer on a sensitive part of the body for at least 3 minutes.
Took the thermometer out of the body while holding the tip of the water that no mercury.
Reading the mercury with the eye position parallel with the surface of liquid mercury.
Scores achieved
he maximum score
if true it will get a score 1
if false it will get a score 0
b. Rating Scale (Rating Scale).
Rating of performance using a rating scale allows the appraiser gives the mean of the control of a particular competency, because the provision of a continuum in which the value of the option value is more than two categories. Rating scale ranges from imperfect to perfect. For example: 1 = not competent, 2 = moderately competent, 3 = competent, 4 = very competent. To minimize the subjectivity factor, should be assessed by more than one person, so the results are more accurate assessment.
Example: Scale Rating (Rating Scale)
Experimental Rating of heat can change the temperature and states of matter
Name: ...................................
Class: ....................................
Aspects of the Assessed
How to set up and install device and materials to be used.
How to enter the water and ice into the vessel
How to turn on and turn off the methylated spirits lights
How to read a thermometer scale
Scores achieved
The maximum score
The rubric of score
Score 3. Exactly, If
a. How to prepare and install the tools and materials that will be used appropriately, quickly (skills).
b. How to enter the water and ice into the laver carefully (water does not spill).
c. How to turn on and turn off the lights spritus (caution and close spritus when the lights will be turned off).
d. How to read a thermometer scale (perpendicular eye view).
Score 2. Less Exactly, If
a. Less Right, if and fast (less skilled).
b. Less Exactly, if inadvertently (water spill).
c. Less Exactly, If (and inadvertently spilled water).
d. Less Exactly, If (the eye is less perpendicular).
Score 1. Not Exactly, If
a. Not Exactly, if less precise and slower (no skill at all).
b. Not Exactly, if not careful (water spill).
c. Not Exactly, If (not careful and do not close when the lights spritus will be turned off, but blown).
d. Not Exactly, If (eye sight is not perpendicular / false reading)
B. Attitude assessment
1. Definition
Attitude stems from a feeling (like or dislike) related to a person's tendency to respond to things / objects. Attitude is also an expression of the values or way of life that is owned by someone. Attitudes can be formed causing the desired behavior or action.
Attitude comprised of three components, namely: effective, cognitive, and conative. Effective component is the feeling of being owned by a person or object judgment against something. Cognitive component of trust or confidence is one of the objects. The affective component is the tendency to behave or act in certain ways with regard to the presence of the attitude object.
In general, the object of the attitude that needs to be assessed in the process of learning a variety of subjects is as follows:
· Attitudes toward the subject matter. Learners need to have a positive attitude toward the subject matter. With a positive attitude in the learner will grow and develop interest in learning, it would be easy to be motivated, and be more easily apply the material taught.
· Attitudes toward teachers / tutors. Learners need to have a positive attitude towards teachers. Learners who do not have a positive attitude towards teachers will tend to ignore things that are taught. Thus, students who have a negative attitude towards the teacher / teachers will be unable to absorb the material taught by the teacher.
· Attitudes towards the learning process. Learners also need to have a positive attitude towards the learning process that takes place. The learning process includes learning environment, strategies, methodologies, and learning techniques are used. The learning process is exciting, comfortable and fun can motivate students to learn, so as to achieve maximum learning results.
· Attitudes related to values or norms related to the course material. For example, cases or environmental concerns, relating to biological materials or geography. Learners also need to have the right attitude, which is based on the positive values of the specific environmental case (conservation / environmental vandalism). For example, students have positive attitudes towards wildlife protection program. In other cases, the students had a negative attitude toward the export of logs to abroad.
2. Attitude Assessment Techniques
Attitude assessment can be done in several ways or techniques. These techniques include: behavioral observation, direct questions, and personal statements. These techniques are can be briefly described as follows:
a. Behavioral observation
Person's behavior in general showed a tendency in something. For example, people who drink coffee can be understood as the tendency is to coffee. Therefore, teachers can observe the learners are cultivated. Observations can be used as feedback in coaching.
Observation of behavior in schools can be done using a special notebook of events related to the students during the school day. Here's an example of the format diary
A Example cover page of diary:
(Name of school)
Subjects : ________________________
Class : ________________________
School year : ________________________
Name of teacher : ________________________
Jakarta, 2006
Examples of the contents Diary:
Name of Students
Events (positive or negative)
Column filled with events both positive and negative events. Records in the ledger sheet, other than beneficial to record and assess the behavior of learners very useful also to assess the attitudes of learners and may become material in the assessment of the overall development of students.
In addition to behavioral observations can also use a check list that includes behavior, certain behaviors are expected from learners in general or in particular circumstances. Here's an example of the format of scientific attitude assessment in learning of physics.
Examples of assessment formats Physics scientific attitude in practice:
Working systematically
a. Behavior column is filled with numbers that correspond to the following criteria:
1 = very poor
2 = less
3 = moderate
4 = good
5 = very good
b. Value is the sum of the scores of each behavioral indicators
c. Description is filled with the following criteria
1). 18-20 means a very good value
2). 14-17 means good value.
3). 10-13 mean value being
4). 6-9 means less value.
5). 0-5 means the value is very less.
b. Direct questions
We can also directly ask about a person's attitude or interviews related to something. For example, how do the students about the new policy enforced in the school of "Improved Orderliness".
Based on the answers and other reactions that appear in the answer can be understood that the attitude of the students towards the attitude object. In the assessment of learners' attitudes in schools, teachers can also use this technique to assess the attitudes and foster learners.
c. Personal report
Through the use of these techniques in the school, the students were asked to review or response that contains a view of an issue, situation, or thing which is the object attitude. For example, students were asked to write his views on the "inter-ethnic riots" that occurred recently in Indonesia. From the review made by the learners can be read and understood its underlying sentiment.
To assess changes in behavior or attitude of students as a whole, especially the subjects of religion and noble character, citizenship and personal, aesthetic, and physical, all the records can be summarized using the following observation sheet:
Example Observation Sheet
(Subject Group: Religion, Citizenship, Aesthetics, Physical)
Behaviors / attitude observed : ...................................
Learners Name : ................
Class : ................
Semester : .................
Description of the initial behavior
Description of Change
The meeting .....
Day / Date
Ø Column is filled with a tick achievement appropriate behavioral development
VH = Very high change
H = High Change
L = Low Changes
VL = The change is very low
Ø Information about behavioral descriptions obtained from:
1). Direct questions
2). Personal report
3). Diary
C. Written assessment
1. Definition
In writing assessment conducted with a written test . The written test is a test in which questions and answers are given to the students in writing . In answer the learners do not always respond in the form of writing an answer but can also be in other forms such as marking , coloring , drawing , and so forth .
2. Technique of Assessment
There are two forms of the written test questions , namely :
a. Choose an answer , which can be divided into :
1) Multiple choice
2) Two options (true - false, yes - no).
3) Match
4) Causation.
b. Supplying answers, divided into :
1) Stuffing or complete.
2) Short answer or short
3) Description.
Written assessment of the various tools, test choosing right and wrong answer, short answer, matching, and cause and effect is the only tool that assesses the ability of poor thinking, the ability to remember (knowledge). Multiple-choice tests can be used to assess the ability to remember and understand the wide range of material. Multiple choices has drawbacks, learners do not develop their own answer but tend to choose the correct answer, and if the students do not know the correct answer, then the students will be guessing. This gives rise to the tendency of students do not learn to understand the lesson but memorizing the questions and answers. In addition to the multiple choices are less able to provide information that is sufficient to make a diagnosis or feedback to modify the learning experience. Because it is not recommended its use in classroom assessment.
The written test is a form of description of assessment tools that require learners to remember, understand, and organize ideas or things that have been learned. Learners express or express those ideas in the form of a written description by using his own words. This tool can assess various types of competencies, such as express opinions, to think logically, and concludes. Weaknesses of these tools include limited coverage of the material in question.
In preparing the assessment instruments a writer has to consider the following:
a) Characteristics of the subjects and the breadth of the scope of the material to be tested;
b) Material, for example about the suitability of the standard of competence, basic competence and indicators of achievement in the curriculum;
c) Construction, for example, the formulation of problems or questions should be clear and unequivocal;
d) Language, such as the formulation about not using the word / phrase that raises multiple interpretations.
D. Assessment of project
1. Definition
Project assessment is an assessment of the tasks to be completed in the period / time. The task in the form of an investigation from planning, data collection, organizing, processing and presenting data.
Project appraisal can be used to determine the understanding, ability to apply, investigation skills and the ability to inform students on a particular subject clearly.
In the assessment of the project at least three (3) things to consider are:
· The ability of management
Ability learners in choosing a topic, finding information and managing time data collection and report writing.
· Relevance
Compliance with the subjects, taking into account the stage of knowledge, understanding and skills in learning.
· Authenticity
Projects carried learners must be the result of his work, taking into account the contribution of teachers in the form of guidance and support for learners project.
2. Technique of Project Assessment
Project appraisal carried out starting from the planning, the process, until the final result of the project. Therefore, teachers need to define things or steps that need to be assessed, such as the preparation of the design, data collection, data analysis, and preparation of written reports. Assignment or research report can also be presented in poster form. Implementation can use the assessment tool / assessment instruments in the form of a checklist or rating scale.
Some examples of activities learners in project appraisal.
a) a simple study of the water in the house;
b) a simple research on the development of food prices.
Example Assessment Project
Assessment investigation the determination of oil foods viscosity on the market
Aspects of The assessed
Planning / Preparation
Contains of topics, objectives, materials / equipment, work steps, schedule, time, estimation, data will be obtained, where research, observation format.
Data Collection
Data recorded by topic, clear and complete. Correct use of tools and materials.
Data processing
There is a classification of data, interpretation of data according to the research objectives.
Data presentation and reporting
Formulate a topic, formulate research objectives, write the tools and materials, outlines activity steps. Systematically report writing, use of communicative language. Presenting the complete data, contains conclusions and suggestions
Total Score
E. Product Assessment
1. Definition
Product assessment is an assessment of manufacturing process and quality of a product. Product assessment includes assessing learners' ability to make the products of technology and art, such as: food, clothing, works of art (statues, painting, drawing), the goods are made from wood, ceramic, plastic, and metal.
Product development includes three (3) stages and each stage of the assessment needs to be held:
· The preparation stage, include; assessment of learners and the ability to plan, explore, and develop ideas, and designing products.
· Stage of product (process), include: assessment of the ability of learners in selecting and using the materials, tools, and techniques.
· Phase product assessment (appraisal), include: assessment of learners products produced according to the criteria specified.
2. Product Assessment Techniques
Valuation products typically using the a holistic or analytical way.
a) Analytical way, which is based on aspects of the product, usually carried out on all of the criteria contained in all stages of the development process.
b) Holistic way, which is based on the overall impression of the product, usually carried out at appraisal stage.
Examples of assessment Product
Assessment of making a simple electric bell
Name of student : .............................
Class : ...........................
Aspects of The ssessed
The components used
The accuracy of stringing
Total Score
The components used
Score 4 if using the component: bell, switch, resistor, battery, indicator lights.
Score 3 if using the component: bell, switches, resistors, battery
Score 2 if using the components: bell, switch, battery.
Score 1 if using the components: bell, battery.
The accuracy of stringing
Score 4 if the accuracy of the circuit arrangement and neatness soldering components.
Score 3 if the accuracy of the circuit arrangement of the components but not neat soldering.
Score 2 if no proper arrangement of circuit components but neat soldering.
Score 1 if no proper arrangement of circuit components and soldering untidy.
F. Portfolio assessment
1. Definition
Portfolio assessment is continuous assessment based on the collection of information that shows the development of the ability of learners in a given period. Such information may include the work of students from the learning process are considered best by the students , the results of the test ( not value ) or other form of information associated with a specific competence in a subject .
Portfolio assessment is essentially assessing student works individually on a period for a subject. The end of a period of work is collected and assessed by teachers and learners. Based on the development of information, teachers and students themselves can assess learners' skills development and continuous improvement. Thus , the development of a portfolio can demonstrate learning progress of students through his work , among others : essays , poems , letters , musical composition , drawing , photograph , record employment growth , the discussions , the reading of books / literature , research , interviews , etc. .
The things that need to be considered and used as guidelines in the use of portfolio assessment, among others:
a) The work of students is really the work of the students themselves.
Teachers conduct research on the work of the students who used materials portfolio assessment that the work is the work made by the students themselves.
b) Trust each other between teachers and learners
In the evaluation process of teachers and learners must have mutual trust, mutual need and help each other so that the process of education is going well.
c) Confidentiality shared between teachers and learners.
Confidentiality of the results of the development of learners' information collection should be maintained properly and not communicated to the parties concerned not to negatively impact the educational process.
d) Joint ownership between learners and teachers.
Teachers and learners need to have a sense of portfolio files so that learners will find it has collected works and will eventually attempt to continue to enhance its capabilities.
e) Satisfaction
Result of portfolio should contain information and or evidence which gives a boost to further improve the learners themselves.
f) Suitable
Result of the work collected is suitable with the competencies listed in the curriculum.
g) Assessment process and results
Apply the principle of portfolio assessment process and outcomes, learning processes is considered as derived from the record of the performance of teachers and learners work.
h) Assessment and learning.
Portfolio assessment is inseparable from the learning process. The main benefits of this as a diagnostic assessment that is very meaningful to the teacher to see the advantages and disadvantages of learners.
2. Portfolio Assessment Techniques
Portfolio assessment techniques in the classroom need the following steps:
a. Explain to students that the function of the portfolio, not just a collection of student work that is used by teachers for assessment, but it is used also by the learners themselves. By looking at the portfolio of learners can learn abilities, skills, and interests. This process will not occur spontaneously, but it takes time for students to learn to trust their own judgment results.
b. Decide together with the learners portfolio Example what will be created. Portfolio between learners and the other one could equally be different.
c. Collect and save the works of each student in a folder or folders on their home or their lockers at school.
d. d. Give the date of manufacture on any material development information so learners can see the difference in quality from time to time.
e. Determine the Example portfolio assessment criteria and the weights with the learners. Discuss how quality assessment work of the learners, examples, essay writing skills assessment criteria, namely: the use of grammar, vocabulary selection, completeness ideas, and systematic writing. Thus, the students know the expectations (standards) and teachers try to reach those standards.
f. Ask the students continuously assess his work. Teachers can guide students, how to judge by giving information about the advantages and disadvantages of such works, and how to fix it. This can be done when discussing portfolio.
g. After a work assessed and its value has not been satisfactory, the learners are given the opportunity to improve, however, between learners and teachers need to be made "contract" or agreement on the duration of repairs, such as 2 weeks have improved the work should be left to the teacher.
h. If necessary, schedule a meeting to discuss the portfolio. If necessary, invite parents and students were given an explanation of the intent and purpose of the portfolio, so that parents can help and motivate children.
Examples of Portfolio Assessment
Assessment preparation of examples of the application of physics concepts in other disciplines
Physics concept
Concept/Other disciplines
G. Self-Assessment
1. Definition
Self-assessment is an assessment technique in which students were asked to rate themselves relating to the status, the process and the level of achievement of competencies learned. Self-assessment techniques can be used to measure the competence of cognitive, affective and psychomotor.
a) Cognitive competency assessment in the classroom, for example: students were asked to assess mastery of the knowledge and thinking skills as a result of learning of a particular subject. Learner self-assessment based on the criteria or benchmark that has been prepared.
b) Affective competency assessment, for example, students can be asked to make posts that contain the outpouring of feelings towards a particular object. Next, students were asked to make an assessment based on the criteria or benchmark that has been prepared.
c) Associated with psychomotor competency assessment, learners can be asked to assess the skill or skills that have been mastered by the criteria or benchmark that has been prepared.
The use of this technique can have a positive effect on the development of one's personality. The advantages of using self-assessment in the classroom include:
1) Can you feeling confident learners, because they are given the confidence to assess themselves.
2) Learners are aware of the strengths and weaknesses of her, because when they do the assessment, must do introspection on its strengths and weaknesses.
3) Can be pushed, familiarize and train the learners to do right, because they are required to be honest and objective in conducting the assessment.
2. Self- assessment techniques
Self-assessment is done based on clear and objective criteria, therefore self-assessment by learners in the classroom needs to be done through the following steps:
a. Determine the competencies or aspects of the capability to be assessed.
b. Determine the assessment criteria that will be used.
c. Formulate assessment format, can be a scoring guidelines, a check mark list, or the assessment scale.
d. Asks students to conduct self-assessment.
e. Teacher review the results of the assessment were randomly Exampled, in order to encourage students to always do a careful self-assessment and objective.
f. Provide feedback to the learners based on the results of the study on the assessment results of Example taken at random.
It should be noted that no single assessment tool that can collect information on the results and progress of learners in full. Single assessment is not enough to give an idea / information about the capabilities, skills, knowledge and attitude of a person. Moreover, interpretation of test results is not absolute and eternal as the child continues to develop in accordance with the experience of going through.
Examples of Self-Assessment
Fluid mechanics
a. Static fluid
b. Liquid surface tension
c. Viscosity of the fluid
d. Fluid dynamic
1: understand
0: do not understand
Kinetic Theory of Gases
1. Ideal gas equation
2. Kinetic theory of gases
To gather information about the progress of learners can be done a variety of techniques, both associated with the learning process and learning outcomes. The information gathering technique in principle is a way of assessment of progress towards the achievement of student learning standards and basic competencies. Basic competency status assessment is done based on indicators of achievement of learning outcomes, either in the form of cognitive domains, effective, and psychomotor. There are seven techniques that can be used, the assessment of performance, attitude assessment, written assessment, project assessment, product assessment, the use of portfolios and self-assessment.
A. Performance Assessment
1. Definition
Performance appraisal is an appraisal done by observing the activities of learners in doing something. This assessment is suitable for assessing the achievement of competence requires learners perform certain tasks such as laboratory practice, practice prayer, sports practice, presentation, discussion, role play, playing musical instruments, singing, reading poetry / elocution etc. The assessment methods are considered more authentic than the written test because what is considered more representative of the actual abilities of learners.
Performance assessment should consider the following:
a. Performance measures that are expected to do learners to demonstrate the performance of a competence.
b. Completeness and accuracy aspects that will be assessed in the performance.
c. Special abilities are required to complete the task.
d. Strive ability to be assessed not too much, so that all can be observed.
e. Ability to be assessed sorted by the order to be observed.
2. Performance Appraisal
Observation of performance needs to be done in a variety of contexts to establish the level of achievement of specific skills. To assess the ability of learners to speak, such as observation or observation speaks as diverse as: small group discussions, speeches, storytelling, and conduct interviews. Thus, the picture of the ability of learners will be intact. To observe the performance of learners can use a tool or instrument following:
a. Checklist
Performance assessment can be done by using a list oak (good-bad). By using a check list, students scored mastery criteria when certain competencies can be observed by the assessor. If it cannot be observed, the students are not getting the value. Weakness of this method is that appraisers have two absolute choices, true-false for example, can be observed-not observable, either-not good. Thus there is no middle value, but more practical checklists used to observe the subject in large quantities.
Example : Checklist
Assessment : The use of Body Thermometer
Name : ...................................
Class : ....................................
Aspects of the Assessed
Thermometer is removed from its place by holding the end there is no mercury.
Mercury lowered position on the lowest scale by swinging the thermometer quickly from top to bottom, and hand position when holding the stick to the end that there is no water mercury
Checking whether mercury has been at the base.
Install a thermometer on a sensitive part of the body for at least 3 minutes.
Took the thermometer out of the body while holding the tip of the water that no mercury.
Reading the mercury with the eye position parallel with the surface of liquid mercury.
Scores achieved
he maximum score
if true it will get a score 1
if false it will get a score 0
b. Rating Scale (Rating Scale).
Rating of performance using a rating scale allows the appraiser gives the mean of the control of a particular competency, because the provision of a continuum in which the value of the option value is more than two categories. Rating scale ranges from imperfect to perfect. For example: 1 = not competent, 2 = moderately competent, 3 = competent, 4 = very competent. To minimize the subjectivity factor, should be assessed by more than one person, so the results are more accurate assessment.
Example: Scale Rating (Rating Scale)
Experimental Rating of heat can change the temperature and states of matter
Name: ...................................
Class: ....................................
Aspects of the Assessed
How to set up and install device and materials to be used.
How to enter the water and ice into the vessel
How to turn on and turn off the methylated spirits lights
How to read a thermometer scale
Scores achieved
The maximum score
The rubric of score
Score 3. Exactly, If
a. How to prepare and install the tools and materials that will be used appropriately, quickly (skills).
b. How to enter the water and ice into the laver carefully (water does not spill).
c. How to turn on and turn off the lights spritus (caution and close spritus when the lights will be turned off).
d. How to read a thermometer scale (perpendicular eye view).
Score 2. Less Exactly, If
a. Less Right, if and fast (less skilled).
b. Less Exactly, if inadvertently (water spill).
c. Less Exactly, If (and inadvertently spilled water).
d. Less Exactly, If (the eye is less perpendicular).
Score 1. Not Exactly, If
a. Not Exactly, if less precise and slower (no skill at all).
b. Not Exactly, if not careful (water spill).
c. Not Exactly, If (not careful and do not close when the lights spritus will be turned off, but blown).
d. Not Exactly, If (eye sight is not perpendicular / false reading)
B. Attitude assessment
1. Definition
Attitude stems from a feeling (like or dislike) related to a person's tendency to respond to things / objects. Attitude is also an expression of the values or way of life that is owned by someone. Attitudes can be formed causing the desired behavior or action.
Attitude comprised of three components, namely: effective, cognitive, and conative. Effective component is the feeling of being owned by a person or object judgment against something. Cognitive component of trust or confidence is one of the objects. The affective component is the tendency to behave or act in certain ways with regard to the presence of the attitude object.
In general, the object of the attitude that needs to be assessed in the process of learning a variety of subjects is as follows:
· Attitudes toward the subject matter. Learners need to have a positive attitude toward the subject matter. With a positive attitude in the learner will grow and develop interest in learning, it would be easy to be motivated, and be more easily apply the material taught.
· Attitudes toward teachers / tutors. Learners need to have a positive attitude towards teachers. Learners who do not have a positive attitude towards teachers will tend to ignore things that are taught. Thus, students who have a negative attitude towards the teacher / teachers will be unable to absorb the material taught by the teacher.
· Attitudes towards the learning process. Learners also need to have a positive attitude towards the learning process that takes place. The learning process includes learning environment, strategies, methodologies, and learning techniques are used. The learning process is exciting, comfortable and fun can motivate students to learn, so as to achieve maximum learning results.
· Attitudes related to values or norms related to the course material. For example, cases or environmental concerns, relating to biological materials or geography. Learners also need to have the right attitude, which is based on the positive values of the specific environmental case (conservation / environmental vandalism). For example, students have positive attitudes towards wildlife protection program. In other cases, the students had a negative attitude toward the export of logs to abroad.
2. Attitude Assessment Techniques
Attitude assessment can be done in several ways or techniques. These techniques include: behavioral observation, direct questions, and personal statements. These techniques are can be briefly described as follows:
a. Behavioral observation
Person's behavior in general showed a tendency in something. For example, people who drink coffee can be understood as the tendency is to coffee. Therefore, teachers can observe the learners are cultivated. Observations can be used as feedback in coaching.
Observation of behavior in schools can be done using a special notebook of events related to the students during the school day. Here's an example of the format diary
A Example cover page of diary:
(Name of school)
Subjects : ________________________
Class : ________________________
School year : ________________________
Name of teacher : ________________________
Jakarta, 2006
Examples of the contents Diary:
Name of Students
Events (positive or negative)
Column filled with events both positive and negative events. Records in the ledger sheet, other than beneficial to record and assess the behavior of learners very useful also to assess the attitudes of learners and may become material in the assessment of the overall development of students.
In addition to behavioral observations can also use a check list that includes behavior, certain behaviors are expected from learners in general or in particular circumstances. Here's an example of the format of scientific attitude assessment in learning of physics.
Examples of assessment formats Physics scientific attitude in practice:
Working systematically
a. Behavior column is filled with numbers that correspond to the following criteria:
1 = very poor
2 = less
3 = moderate
4 = good
5 = very good
b. Value is the sum of the scores of each behavioral indicators
c. Description is filled with the following criteria
1). 18-20 means a very good value
2). 14-17 means good value.
3). 10-13 mean value being
4). 6-9 means less value.
5). 0-5 means the value is very less.
b. Direct questions
We can also directly ask about a person's attitude or interviews related to something. For example, how do the students about the new policy enforced in the school of "Improved Orderliness".
Based on the answers and other reactions that appear in the answer can be understood that the attitude of the students towards the attitude object. In the assessment of learners' attitudes in schools, teachers can also use this technique to assess the attitudes and foster learners.
c. Personal report
Through the use of these techniques in the school, the students were asked to review or response that contains a view of an issue, situation, or thing which is the object attitude. For example, students were asked to write his views on the "inter-ethnic riots" that occurred recently in Indonesia. From the review made by the learners can be read and understood its underlying sentiment.
To assess changes in behavior or attitude of students as a whole, especially the subjects of religion and noble character, citizenship and personal, aesthetic, and physical, all the records can be summarized using the following observation sheet:
Example Observation Sheet
(Subject Group: Religion, Citizenship, Aesthetics, Physical)
Behaviors / attitude observed : ...................................
Learners Name : ................
Class : ................
Semester : .................
Description of the initial behavior
Description of Change
The meeting .....
Day / Date
Ø Column is filled with a tick achievement appropriate behavioral development
VH = Very high change
H = High Change
L = Low Changes
VL = The change is very low
Ø Information about behavioral descriptions obtained from:
1). Direct questions
2). Personal report
3). Diary
C. Written assessment
1. Definition
In writing assessment conducted with a written test . The written test is a test in which questions and answers are given to the students in writing . In answer the learners do not always respond in the form of writing an answer but can also be in other forms such as marking , coloring , drawing , and so forth .
2. Technique of Assessment
There are two forms of the written test questions , namely :
a. Choose an answer , which can be divided into :
1) Multiple choice
2) Two options (true - false, yes - no).
3) Match
4) Causation.
b. Supplying answers, divided into :
1) Stuffing or complete.
2) Short answer or short
3) Description.
Written assessment of the various tools, test choosing right and wrong answer, short answer, matching, and cause and effect is the only tool that assesses the ability of poor thinking, the ability to remember (knowledge). Multiple-choice tests can be used to assess the ability to remember and understand the wide range of material. Multiple choices has drawbacks, learners do not develop their own answer but tend to choose the correct answer, and if the students do not know the correct answer, then the students will be guessing. This gives rise to the tendency of students do not learn to understand the lesson but memorizing the questions and answers. In addition to the multiple choices are less able to provide information that is sufficient to make a diagnosis or feedback to modify the learning experience. Because it is not recommended its use in classroom assessment.
The written test is a form of description of assessment tools that require learners to remember, understand, and organize ideas or things that have been learned. Learners express or express those ideas in the form of a written description by using his own words. This tool can assess various types of competencies, such as express opinions, to think logically, and concludes. Weaknesses of these tools include limited coverage of the material in question.
In preparing the assessment instruments a writer has to consider the following:
a) Characteristics of the subjects and the breadth of the scope of the material to be tested;
b) Material, for example about the suitability of the standard of competence, basic competence and indicators of achievement in the curriculum;
c) Construction, for example, the formulation of problems or questions should be clear and unequivocal;
d) Language, such as the formulation about not using the word / phrase that raises multiple interpretations.
D. Assessment of project
1. Definition
Project assessment is an assessment of the tasks to be completed in the period / time. The task in the form of an investigation from planning, data collection, organizing, processing and presenting data.
Project appraisal can be used to determine the understanding, ability to apply, investigation skills and the ability to inform students on a particular subject clearly.
In the assessment of the project at least three (3) things to consider are:
· The ability of management
Ability learners in choosing a topic, finding information and managing time data collection and report writing.
· Relevance
Compliance with the subjects, taking into account the stage of knowledge, understanding and skills in learning.
· Authenticity
Projects carried learners must be the result of his work, taking into account the contribution of teachers in the form of guidance and support for learners project.
2. Technique of Project Assessment
Project appraisal carried out starting from the planning, the process, until the final result of the project. Therefore, teachers need to define things or steps that need to be assessed, such as the preparation of the design, data collection, data analysis, and preparation of written reports. Assignment or research report can also be presented in poster form. Implementation can use the assessment tool / assessment instruments in the form of a checklist or rating scale.
Some examples of activities learners in project appraisal.
a) a simple study of the water in the house;
b) a simple research on the development of food prices.
Example Assessment Project
Assessment investigation the determination of oil foods viscosity on the market
Aspects of The assessed
Planning / Preparation
Contains of topics, objectives, materials / equipment, work steps, schedule, time, estimation, data will be obtained, where research, observation format.
Data Collection
Data recorded by topic, clear and complete. Correct use of tools and materials.
Data processing
There is a classification of data, interpretation of data according to the research objectives.
Data presentation and reporting
Formulate a topic, formulate research objectives, write the tools and materials, outlines activity steps. Systematically report writing, use of communicative language. Presenting the complete data, contains conclusions and suggestions
Total Score
E. Product Assessment
1. Definition
Product assessment is an assessment of manufacturing process and quality of a product. Product assessment includes assessing learners' ability to make the products of technology and art, such as: food, clothing, works of art (statues, painting, drawing), the goods are made from wood, ceramic, plastic, and metal.
Product development includes three (3) stages and each stage of the assessment needs to be held:
· The preparation stage, include; assessment of learners and the ability to plan, explore, and develop ideas, and designing products.
· Stage of product (process), include: assessment of the ability of learners in selecting and using the materials, tools, and techniques.
· Phase product assessment (appraisal), include: assessment of learners products produced according to the criteria specified.
2. Product Assessment Techniques
Valuation products typically using the a holistic or analytical way.
a) Analytical way, which is based on aspects of the product, usually carried out on all of the criteria contained in all stages of the development process.
b) Holistic way, which is based on the overall impression of the product, usually carried out at appraisal stage.
Examples of assessment Product
Assessment of making a simple electric bell
Name of student : .............................
Class : ...........................
Aspects of The ssessed
The components used
The accuracy of stringing
Total Score
The components used
Score 4 if using the component: bell, switch, resistor, battery, indicator lights.
Score 3 if using the component: bell, switches, resistors, battery
Score 2 if using the components: bell, switch, battery.
Score 1 if using the components: bell, battery.
The accuracy of stringing
Score 4 if the accuracy of the circuit arrangement and neatness soldering components.
Score 3 if the accuracy of the circuit arrangement of the components but not neat soldering.
Score 2 if no proper arrangement of circuit components but neat soldering.
Score 1 if no proper arrangement of circuit components and soldering untidy.
F. Portfolio assessment
1. Definition
Portfolio assessment is continuous assessment based on the collection of information that shows the development of the ability of learners in a given period. Such information may include the work of students from the learning process are considered best by the students , the results of the test ( not value ) or other form of information associated with a specific competence in a subject .
Portfolio assessment is essentially assessing student works individually on a period for a subject. The end of a period of work is collected and assessed by teachers and learners. Based on the development of information, teachers and students themselves can assess learners' skills development and continuous improvement. Thus , the development of a portfolio can demonstrate learning progress of students through his work , among others : essays , poems , letters , musical composition , drawing , photograph , record employment growth , the discussions , the reading of books / literature , research , interviews , etc. .
The things that need to be considered and used as guidelines in the use of portfolio assessment, among others:
a) The work of students is really the work of the students themselves.
Teachers conduct research on the work of the students who used materials portfolio assessment that the work is the work made by the students themselves.
b) Trust each other between teachers and learners
In the evaluation process of teachers and learners must have mutual trust, mutual need and help each other so that the process of education is going well.
c) Confidentiality shared between teachers and learners.
Confidentiality of the results of the development of learners' information collection should be maintained properly and not communicated to the parties concerned not to negatively impact the educational process.
d) Joint ownership between learners and teachers.
Teachers and learners need to have a sense of portfolio files so that learners will find it has collected works and will eventually attempt to continue to enhance its capabilities.
e) Satisfaction
Result of portfolio should contain information and or evidence which gives a boost to further improve the learners themselves.
f) Suitable
Result of the work collected is suitable with the competencies listed in the curriculum.
g) Assessment process and results
Apply the principle of portfolio assessment process and outcomes, learning processes is considered as derived from the record of the performance of teachers and learners work.
h) Assessment and learning.
Portfolio assessment is inseparable from the learning process. The main benefits of this as a diagnostic assessment that is very meaningful to the teacher to see the advantages and disadvantages of learners.
2. Portfolio Assessment Techniques
Portfolio assessment techniques in the classroom need the following steps:
a. Explain to students that the function of the portfolio, not just a collection of student work that is used by teachers for assessment, but it is used also by the learners themselves. By looking at the portfolio of learners can learn abilities, skills, and interests. This process will not occur spontaneously, but it takes time for students to learn to trust their own judgment results.
b. Decide together with the learners portfolio Example what will be created. Portfolio between learners and the other one could equally be different.
c. Collect and save the works of each student in a folder or folders on their home or their lockers at school.
d. d. Give the date of manufacture on any material development information so learners can see the difference in quality from time to time.
e. Determine the Example portfolio assessment criteria and the weights with the learners. Discuss how quality assessment work of the learners, examples, essay writing skills assessment criteria, namely: the use of grammar, vocabulary selection, completeness ideas, and systematic writing. Thus, the students know the expectations (standards) and teachers try to reach those standards.
f. Ask the students continuously assess his work. Teachers can guide students, how to judge by giving information about the advantages and disadvantages of such works, and how to fix it. This can be done when discussing portfolio.
g. After a work assessed and its value has not been satisfactory, the learners are given the opportunity to improve, however, between learners and teachers need to be made "contract" or agreement on the duration of repairs, such as 2 weeks have improved the work should be left to the teacher.
h. If necessary, schedule a meeting to discuss the portfolio. If necessary, invite parents and students were given an explanation of the intent and purpose of the portfolio, so that parents can help and motivate children.
Examples of Portfolio Assessment
Assessment preparation of examples of the application of physics concepts in other disciplines
Physics concept
Concept/Other disciplines
G. Self-Assessment
1. Definition
Self-assessment is an assessment technique in which students were asked to rate themselves relating to the status, the process and the level of achievement of competencies learned. Self-assessment techniques can be used to measure the competence of cognitive, affective and psychomotor.
a) Cognitive competency assessment in the classroom, for example: students were asked to assess mastery of the knowledge and thinking skills as a result of learning of a particular subject. Learner self-assessment based on the criteria or benchmark that has been prepared.
b) Affective competency assessment, for example, students can be asked to make posts that contain the outpouring of feelings towards a particular object. Next, students were asked to make an assessment based on the criteria or benchmark that has been prepared.
c) Associated with psychomotor competency assessment, learners can be asked to assess the skill or skills that have been mastered by the criteria or benchmark that has been prepared.
The use of this technique can have a positive effect on the development of one's personality. The advantages of using self-assessment in the classroom include:
1) Can you feeling confident learners, because they are given the confidence to assess themselves.
2) Learners are aware of the strengths and weaknesses of her, because when they do the assessment, must do introspection on its strengths and weaknesses.
3) Can be pushed, familiarize and train the learners to do right, because they are required to be honest and objective in conducting the assessment.
2. Self- assessment techniques
Self-assessment is done based on clear and objective criteria, therefore self-assessment by learners in the classroom needs to be done through the following steps:
a. Determine the competencies or aspects of the capability to be assessed.
b. Determine the assessment criteria that will be used.
c. Formulate assessment format, can be a scoring guidelines, a check mark list, or the assessment scale.
d. Asks students to conduct self-assessment.
e. Teacher review the results of the assessment were randomly Exampled, in order to encourage students to always do a careful self-assessment and objective.
f. Provide feedback to the learners based on the results of the study on the assessment results of Example taken at random.
It should be noted that no single assessment tool that can collect information on the results and progress of learners in full. Single assessment is not enough to give an idea / information about the capabilities, skills, knowledge and attitude of a person. Moreover, interpretation of test results is not absolute and eternal as the child continues to develop in accordance with the experience of going through.
Examples of Self-Assessment
Fluid mechanics
a. Static fluid
b. Liquid surface tension
c. Viscosity of the fluid
d. Fluid dynamic
1: understand
0: do not understand
Kinetic Theory of Gases
1. Ideal gas equation
2. Kinetic theory of gases